Maksim Vazhenin | InfluxDB for Storage System Monitoring | InfluxDays EMEA 2021
Maksim Vazhenin [Dell Technologies] | InfluxDB for Storage System Monitoring | InfluxDays EMEA 2021
This talk tells the story of how Dell switched its internal monitoring system shipped with Dell EMC ECS Enterprise Object Storage from a home-grown monitoring system to InfluxDB-based stack. The session will cover the following topics:
- Lessons learned on completely changing the monitoring stack on the shipped system while doing continuous releases
- Building a separate service running Flux language which connects to InfluxDB instances
- Running multiple InfluxDB instances for HA
Using Flux language for Grafana dashboards and alerting rules
- How to control metrics ingest rate and cardinality to have predictable resource consumption
- Shipping InfluxDB with storage system for internal monitoring and running InfluxDB with low memory constraints (3Gb)
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4 years ago 00:38:21 1
Maksim Vazhenin | InfluxDB for Storage System Monitoring | InfluxDays EMEA 2021