Yasmine Mohammed is an ex-Muslim who speaks out against the extreme religion, and how woke useful idiots are being used against us. She was forced to marry an al-Qaeda terrorist, but has since escaped and now speaks out with incredible bravery. #heretics #islamist #usefulidiots
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Through her initiative Free Hearts, Free Minds, she supports closeted ex-Muslims from Muslim-majority countries and co-ordinates an online campaign called #NoHijabDay against World Hijab Day. She also has a website and hosts an online series
...on YouTube called Forgotten Feminists.
Mohammed has been interviewed by Sam Harris, Seth Andrews, and several news outlets from multiple countries, and in 2019 self-published the book Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam.
0:00 Highlights
1:30 % of Scary Muslims
5:30 Why Worse Than Other Religions
8:30 Is There Something About the Text?
11:30 Is Islamophobia Racist?
14:05 Can you be an atheist Muslim?
16:30 Yasmine’s Past - What Was I Thinking?
19:10 What Did Allah Look Like in Your Mind?
21:30 Yasmine’s Bravery (Insane!)
23:30 Salman Rushdie Said This
25:20 Yasmine’s Incredible Story
31:30 Marrying an al-Qaeda terrorist
35:30 Covering Herself in Black
38:30 The Beatings She Took
43:30 The Ideology Ruins Love
46:00 Where Islamist Palestine Turned
49:30 Palestine Like ISIS? Using Western Students
52:30 Strippers for Gaza / Useful Idiots
55:30 The Plot to Take Over The West
58:30 Katharine Birbalsingh & Michaela School
1:00:30 Maajid Nawaz
1:04:10 A Heretic YasmineShow more