This is a message for the people that keep asking for the english subtitles or other languages.
I’m sorry that my knowledge of technology is not good enough for editing my videos with english subtitles, but you can enable them by clicking to the subtitles button on the screen. From there go to settings italian language automatic translation and the look for your language.
They’ll probably contain some errors but this is the best I can do.
Greetings to my not italian speaking followers
Buongiorno a tutti! è quasi Natale, e perché non realizzare un simpatico portachiavi a forma di Nemo da regalare ad una persona cara? Oppure potete aggiungerlo al vostro acquario, come preferite! Fatemi sapere nei commenti cosa ne pensate :)
Facebook: Le Creazioni di Lindadi
IG: Lindadi_Creations
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11 months ago 00:07:15 1
#Tutorial #Anemone verde #Acquario #Uncinetto - #Crochet #FishTank Green Anemon