Royal Tour Triumphal Progress - Technicolor (1963)

This item is filmed in Technicolor. Australia. Several shots of the capital of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia - general view over the city, street scenes, buildings etc. Various shots of the royal yacht Britannia on Brisbane river, small boats and barges around the yacht. Three people on water skis past the camera and wave. Crowd gathered at shore to greet the royal guests. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip leaving the yacht and are greeted by the Governor, Colonel Sir Henry Abel Smith and his wife who is closely related to the Queen. Queen and Duke riding in the open car through crowded streets of Brisbane, crowd cheering. General view of the Coolangatta Beach where the surfing carnival was to be held in Queen’s honour. Various shots of the crowd, all wet and muddy, waiting to see the Queen, Some people holding umbrellas - it is raining heavily. Several shots of the Queen’s car driving along the crowded road on way to the beach. People from crowd taking photographs. Queen and her
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