Mandali Moments Eruch How to Love

in 1974 and 1975 Steven Hein videotaped Meher Baba’s mandali on a reel-to-reel videotape recorder. Kristine Wyld arranged for the tapes to be converted to professional quality analogue Betacam SP tapes, to help preserve them. The tapes are of Mehera, Mani, Eruch, Padri and others, telling wonderful tales of their lives with Baba. There are a total of 12 tapes, each approximately 30 minutes long. We are not sure of the chronology of the tapes, and therefore the order of release of the tapes does not follow any particular chronology. The tapes have been “denoised“, and adjustments made to the brightness and contrast. I have generally not attempted to remove the “drop outs“ (seen as horizontal flashes of white).
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