This dog may be one in a million.

Here’s Momo’s story: He is literally one in a million. Momo is a very sweet and loving dog who just happens to have an extremely rare genetic condition called short spine syndrome. Short spine syndrome affects about 20 dogs in the entire world, and it causes the vertebra of the spine to fuse together. So that gives Momo a very peculiar, but adorable werewolf-like appearance.  He was found dumped outside of a local shelter here in Houston, Texas. So, we have absolutely no idea at all about his background or past, but because he was such a rare case, the volunteers at the shelter decided to call Houston K911 Rescue, a very reputable local rescue group within our area that specializes in critical and special need cases.  I’ve been fostering with them for about a decade. And when they asked me if I would like to foster Momo, I took one look and just completely fell in love with him. He has been with me here getting healthy from his heartworm treatment. He’s been neutered and h
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