Neon Sign Effect Illustrator & Photoshop Tutorial

In today’s tutorial we’re going to create a bright neon sign effect using the powers of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. While it is possible to construct the entire artwork in Photoshop alone, Illustrator offers some useful tools for producing the initial layout with its vector shape building capabilities. Where Photoshop really shines is with its various layer style options that can be configured to create vibrant lighting effects, which are perfect for depicting a realistic, illuminated neon sign. Real neon signs are made out of glass tubes that a bent into shape, so to help with the realism of our neon sign artwork, the linework will be created in a way so there’s a start and end point for each segment with no overlaps. Photographs of real neon signs show intense brightness from the tube that appears almost white, but with an ambient glow of a vibrant colour. This will be replicated using Photoshop’s Inner Glow, Outer Glow and Drop Shadow effects. 📺 WATCH THIS NEXT: Neon Sign Effect Photoshop Tutorial - ⭐️ Get a 7 Day FREE Trail of Envato Elements and Save 50% off Annual Membership - 📦 Join my mailing list and get a FREE design resources bundle! - 🙏 I don’t have a Patreon, but if you want to support my work, consider becoming an Access All Areas member on Spoon Graphics - Deals & Discounts I Recommend: ⭐️ Get 50% off my Washed & Worn Deluxe Vintage T-Shirt Textures Pack - ⭐️ Get an Extra 10% off the Vintage Font Bundle with the Code: SPOONER - ⭐️ Get 10 Free Images from Adobe Stock - ⭐️ Save up to 30% off Design Resource Products with Extended License Included - Tools & Resources I Use: ⭐️ Get Photoshop and other Adobe CC programs here: ✍️ The graphics tablet I use: 🎙️ The microphone I use: 📢 The email newsletter service I use: 📈 The tool I use to help grow my channel: Watch more of my content: 📺 See all my Photoshop tutorials - 📺 See all my Illustrator tutorials - 📺 Watch my most popular videos - #Photoshop #PhotoshopTutorial #AdobePhotoshop #Illustrator #AdobeIllustrator #IllustratorTutorial Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator design tutorials from Chris Spooner of Spoon Graphics. Subscribe to learn how to create stunning artwork as I share my tips and tricks in video format. Join my mailing list: Visit my design blog: Follow me on Twitter: Join me on Facebook:
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