Self-supplying Narcissist: Miracle Cure?

The narcissist reacts with borderline-style emotional dysregulation, decompensation, and acting out to deficient narcissistic supply, narcissistic injury, and narcissistic mortification. Current therapies attempt to harness the narcissist’s grandiosity and fantasy defense to effect transformation and behavior modification in lieu of an adult therapeutic alliance. This often results in even more impaired reality testing even as the narcissist adapts himself to the demands he faces. In short: it induces dissociative and schizoid reactance (as a form of passive-aggressive defiance). The solution is to transition from manipulative dependency on narcissistic supply to self-reliant and anxiolytic albeit delusional self-supply. Transition from external supply to self-supply is also a regression from object relations to primary or introverted narcissism with cathexis of infantile narcissistic structures. This creates an addictive dependency of the False Self on internal structu
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