Aequidens paloemeuensis, a fantastic New Cichlid - new cichlid series
Habitat of Aequidens paloemeuensis in the Paloemeu and Tapanahony river in South Suriname. The video also shows Crenicichla multispinosa , Geophagus harreri , Guianacara sphenozona , Jupiaba meunieri , and Hypomasticus despaxi in nature. First aquarium footage of adult Aequidens paloemeuensis.
Chapters Index:
00:00 Introduction “new cichlid series“
00:22 habitat of Aequidens paloemeuensis : Tapanahony and Paloemeu
00:39 other cichlids in the Tapanahony River
01:00 Crenicichla, Krobia, Guianacara & Aequidens tetramerus
01:41 Hypomasticus despaxi in nature
02:11 Hypomasticus despaxi in the aquarium
02:26 Aequidens paloemeuensis in the aquarium
04:38 Aequidens cichlids breeding
04:54 what’s next?
17 Aequidens paloemeuensis -
12-16 Lake Mweru cichlids -
11 Haplochromis spec. Bokou -
10 Chromidotilapia mamonekenei -
09 Coptodon kottae -
07-08 Alcolapia latilabris -
05 Haplochromis astatodon -
05 Geophagus spec. Alto Sinu -
04 Nanochromis minor -
03 Thoracochromis callichromus
02 Crenicichla tuca
01 Crenicichla hu -
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1 view
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Aequidens paloemeuensis, a fantastic New Cichlid - new cichlid series
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