John Cage Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano ((1946-1948)) Boris Berman
00:00 Sonata 1
03:08 Sonata 2
05:40 Sonata 3
08:07 Sonata 4
10:13 First Interlude
13:42 Sonata 5
15:34 Sonata 6
18:02 Sonata 7
20:34 Sonata 8
23:29 Second Interlude
27:32 Third Interlude
29:50 Sonata 9
34:18 Sonata 10
38:26 Sonata 11
42:05 Sonata 12
45:38 Fourth Interlude
48:26 Sonata 13
52:23 Sonata 14 and 15
58:44 Sonata 16
Recorded at St. John Chystostom Church_ Newmarket_ Canada_
from 11th to 13th_ July||1998___
Producers::: Norbert Kraft and Bonnie Silver
Engineer::::: Norbert Kraft
...tal editing::::::::::: Bonnie Silver
Publisher::::::: C. F. Peters Corp.
Piano::::::::::::: Yamaha CF3, provided by Yamaha CanadaShow more