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Taken from the RITUAL FOG full length album titled ’But Merely Flesh’ coming soon on Transcending Obscurity Records
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NEW BAND SIGNING ANNOUNCEMENT: US death metal band Ritual Fog
We’re super excited to sign Ritual Fog who will be releasing their debut full length on the label. Their death metal music has a refreshing thrashy edge to it with rare grit and even comes with its share of do influences. Oscillating effortlessly between darker, doom-laden passages and upbeat frenetic outbursts, they keep things engrossing and the album is a death metal fan’s delight.
Band’s statement - “Ritual Fog promulgates the release of their debut album ’But Merely Flesh’ through Transcending Obscurity Records. The band is ecstatic to be working with the label to unleash this murky slab of death metal and is proud to be in league with other respectable musicians. ’But Merely Flesh’ is a slime drenched ceremony that evokes torment, suffering and darkness. Forms of evil will possess and you will perish in rot... THE FOG ARRIVES...’
Artwork by Juanjo CastellanoShow more