this is the rogue generation
rickety generation
for whom only a hamburger will do
pizza and hamburger
and all kinds of rubbish
and foie gras and caviar
this is the rogue generation
rickety generation
even in the bread line there is a lot of fuss
we are greedily ravenous,
when do you have any allergies?
have celiac disease, fish allergy
and others have a frown on their face
if there is too much chili in the food
and others are precise
only from the last date of use
but real food homemade
and collected from the wild is not
when you get something for free,
so we are even more greedy
there is no limit to it
because the more well-fed
the more greedily one eats more
all others are forgotten
but who gets by with little
it doesn’t miss much
it doesn’t reach for the spruce
don’t paint the sky
he has learned to live with little
knows the basic purpose
live a life according to nature
and that gives you peace of mind
because such a generation of crooks
for whom nothing is good anymore
just want more more
all comfort
they still do not achieve peace
not feeling well either
when you can’t settle for anything
but always greedy
greed has excuses
if you want more delicious
and they always ask for something more expensive
that’s what you get in the name of religion
if it is found that religion forbids
ordinary meat and other
you can buy better than that
when social security funds