At the heart of Antix XXV lies a 25-year story — a tale of exploration, growth, and the relentless pursuit of our sound. And as we unveil it, we can’t help but feel the need to commemorate the dizzying heights of the years preceding it. With each passing year, as the digital landscape of the electronic scene expanded and endless tours beckoned us to new horizons, the significance of our music grew. It became more than just notes and beats — it became a vessel for our experiences and a reflection of our journey. From the hustlin’ streets of Harajuku in the late 90’s, where we first began collecting analogue instruments and shaping our sonic identity, to back home in Aotearoa, where we uphold and evolve it in our studio today, the journey has been nothing short of transformative. From those days in Japan to our destined meeting with Phillip and his crew from Plastic Park Records in Germany a little later, our path was set. While our first EP, “Rainstick/Can’t Quit“ (Plastik Park, 2000), propelled us onto the map, it was our album Lull, released on Iboga Records in 2003, that truly solidified our place in the scene — a genre-defining oeuvre born from a whole lot of naivety and a fair share of brotherly madness. As we return to Iboga Records — the Danish crew who welcomed us with open arms all those years ago and for every album since (Twincoast Discovery, Wanderers, Cavalier) — it feels like coming home again. But this time, we’re returning with more than just an album: XXV is a reunion with our roots, a renaissance of the sound that first captured our hearts with Lull more than twenty years ago. After a 14-year album hiatus, the time has come to present this new chapter to the world. And as we do, we extend our deepest gratitude to our loved ones, family, friends, and fans for your unwavering support, love, and hysteria on dance floors worldwide. So here it is, XXV. A labour of love, a testament to the power of perseverance, and a celebration of the journey that brought us here. May it bring you as much joy in listening as it has brought us in creating it. Arohanui from the Hui, Antix
Antix - Feed Your Head, released on . by Iboga Records - IBOGADIGITAL905
Support the Artist and buy it here:
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