Пресс-конференция Рухии Байдукеновой на Славянском базаре 2022
В рамках «Славянского Базара-2022» проходят пресс-конференции «Звёздный час».
На «Звёздном часе» с Рухиёй Байдукеновой, обладательницей гран-при конкурса исполнителей эстрадной песни «Витебск-2021», ведущий на протяжении всей конференции заводил разговор о Димаше.😀
Полное видео пресс-конференции с Рухиёй по ссылке:
Host: Tell me, did the presence on the jury of the winner of one of the festivals, Dimash, who is loved both in Belarus, and far beyond the borders of our country, and outside your country, help you. Did his presence on the jury somehow support you?
Rukhia: I have known Dimash since childhood, and I know what kind of character he has. He is a very honest person. I think on the contrary, this performance was very responsible for me, because he is a world star from Kazakhstan, and I also represent Kazakhstan. This is a very big responsibility, so I was very worried.
Host: Kazakhstan won the festival in Vitebsk three times. The first victory belonged to Dimash Kudaibergen. You also won our competition. I will tell you a secret that all the participants, even without looking at the representatives from Kazakhstan, know that these are one of the main competitors who come to the festival. It’s thanks to your victories!
Rukhia (smiling): It is very pleasing.
Host: So keep in mind that the contestants name the representatives of Kazakhstan among the main rivals.
Host (addressing reporters): Colleagues, do not be shy, ask your questions. I know that Rukhia said before this press conference that she was a little nervous before this meeting. All our guests from Kazakhstan are very modest. Dimash last year, when we talked with him, was also incredibly worried, and we were very surprised that the person who collects such large venues is so modest and shy.
Host: Tell me, Dimash supported you very actively and worried about you last year. You have friendly relations. Maybe you performed together with Dimash as a duet? It would be interesting to see.
Rukhia: No, we haven’t performed together yet, maybe it will happen in the future.
Host: I think that his fans also follow your work, and will definitely tell him that we proposed such an idea here, at the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk. I think he should support her. I’m sure it will also help you move forward.
Rukhia: Dimash’s fans are very wonderful, they supported me very much, and now they also support me.
Host: Sorry, I often talk about your friend. Dimash told us that sometimes he himself directs his concerts, his numbers. Do you participate in the creation of your performances, do you have your own directorial vision?
Rukhia: I haven’t had a solo concert yet, but in the future, if there is, I think that I will initiate all the ideas myself. Because it will be my concert and it has to come from within me.
Host: From last year’s press conference, I realized that you have a very strong tradition of respect for elders. Dimash admitted that he was raised by his grandparents. Who was involved in your upbringing, do you have a musical family?
Rukhia: No, my family is not musical. I was raised by my parents.
Host: Are you the only one who sings in the family?
Rukhia: Professionally, yes. Although my parents also have an ear for music.
#Димаш #ДимашКудайберген #Dimash #DimashKudaibergen #DimashQudaibergen #dimashdearsbelarus
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