Josh Langley Gets to Know Adam Wallace and how to make a living from writing kids books

Can you make a full time living from writing kid’s books? I get to know New York Times bestselling kid’s author, Adam Wallace to find out how he swapped an engineering career to be a full time kid’s author. He’s just created an online course package that gives all his secrets, tips and advice on how you can possibly turn your side hustle writing kids books into a full time gig including how to create awesome school presentations. Adam and I hit it off straight away and I wanted get as much information out of him as possible. We cover a lot of excellent stuff including: - How Adam made the jump to full time writing - Destroying the struggling artist syndrome - How to develop the Abundant Artist mindset. - Is it OK to do school visits for free? - How to get more school visits. - Different ways of selling books. - Secrets to creating awesome school presentations. - Different publishing options. - the most controversial topic of all - Jealousy and what to do about it. - Adam’s Kid’s Book Creator Capital course information. - Can anybody be a full time kids author? - The business of being a writer - Adam gives away his own excel spreadsheet that he uses to run his author business. (as part of the course) - Adam’s advice for the most important thing to know about life. You can access Adam Wallace’s Kid’s Book Creative Capital here: Find out more about Adam Wallace:
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