George Carlin: The Shocking Truth About Education and Who Really Controls America

George Carlin: The Shocking Truth About Education and Who Really Controls America In this hard-hitting and timeless piece, legendary comedian George Carlin takes on the broken state of education and the deeper power structures at play in America. Carlin dives into the illusion of freedom, exposing how real control lies in the hands of a small group of wealthy business interests—the true owners of the country. Forget politicians, Carlin argues; they’re mere puppets placed to make the public believe they have a choice. But in reality, you don’t. The system is rigged, and it’s designed to keep you exactly where you are. Through this sharp commentary, Carlin breaks down how corporations, media, and the government work together to manipulate and control the public, keeping them uneducated and compliant. Education won’t get better, Carlin declares, because those in power don’t want a critically-thinking, well-informed population. They want obedient workers, not people who are smart
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