EAA Eurasian Artists Association - Новороссия (Novorossia)

...Towards a multipolar world... This is a tribute-hymn written by the eurasian artists for the courageous and free Novorossia people. We want to express our total solidarity and closeness to this great people, fighting against the criminal USA/EU/Zionist aggression. The song “Новоро́ссия (Novorossia)“ is a bonus track for the compilation: Eurasian Artists Association (EAA) – The EAA (Eurasian Artists Association) Presents: The 4TH Revolution, ThuleSehnsucht Production, 2015 #bkGu-wgWbwsS_GLZ6dT5ZOKc2uJVeIE-tKfvSQr2dp4
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