Au Revoir, Mon Amour 何日君再來 (1991)
導演: 區丁平
領銜主演: 梅艷芳, 梁家輝, 赤井英和
主演: 吳家麗, 徐少強, 曾江
1941 年, 抗日戰爭已進入第五年, 吳梅伊與初戀情人梁森在上海重逢, 伊是紅歌星, 森則成了革命份子, 兩人共聚一夜, 森坦承需為國家做事, 但承諾和平後會回來找伊. 日本領事館的野口秀彥雖然知道伊與森相愛, 但仍不掩對伊的感情. 日軍進佔上海, 伊的父親無辜被關進禁閉營, 伊發現自己懷孕, 又被強迫代表日軍表演, 精神瀕臨崩潰, 時遇上森, 但森不能留在她身邊, 令伊更傷感. 森與其它革命份子藏身的地方被日軍發現, 森中槍墮河, 伊以為他死去, 野口照顧伊, 兩人結婚, 森收到命令要刺殺野口和伊, 遂暗中接觸野口, 勸他離國, 野口拒絕, 森故意打傷他, 迫他以傷兵身份回日本, 伊對森未死感驚喜, 但卻不能原諒他仍不露面, 遂在嬰兒的証件上寫上野口的姓氏, 並決定隨野口回日本生活. 戰爭終於結束, 森成為長官, 決定到日本尋找伊母子二人, 野口把他帶回家, 森直言要把伊兩母子帶走, 伊聞言激動, 野口求伊留下, 伊雖然仍深愛森, 但有感野口為她做的實在太多, 最後亦決定留在野口身邊.
Director: TONY AU
The Sino-Japanese War entered its fifth year in 1941. In that year Ng Mui-yee meets her first lover Leung Sam again in Shanghai. Yee has become a famous singer and Sam is a revolutionary. The two spend the night together. Sam makes it clear that he has to do something for the country but promises he will come back when the war is over. Shohiko Noguchi of the Japanese Consulate knows that Yee and Sam are deeply in love but he still cannot control his feelings towards Yee. The Japanese troops invade Shanghai. Yee’s father is put into a concentration camp even though he is innocent. Yee finds out that she is pregnant. Even worse, she is forced by the Japanese army to perform for their high officials. All these drive her crazy. At this time, she meets Sam who tells her that he cannot stay with her. This makes Yee more upset. The Japanese discover the place where Sam and the other revolutionaries are hiding. Sam is shot in a gunfight and falls into a river. Yee thinks he is dead. Noguchi takes care of Yee and they get married. Sam receives an order to kill Noguchi and Yee. He goes to see Noguchi secretly to warn him about it. He asks Noguchi to leave the country but Noguchi refuses. Sam then intentionally shoots Noguchi to force him to go back to Japan as an injured soldier. Yee is surprised to find out that Sam is still alive. But she cannot forgive Sam for not showing up. She decides to change the baby’s surname to Noguchi and moves to Japan with Noguchi. The war finally ends and Sam receives his rank as an official. He decides to go to Japan to look for Yee and his son. Noguchi takes him home and Sam makes it clear that he wants to bring Yee and his son back to China. Yee is emotionally stirred by what he says. At the same time, Noguchi also asks her to stay with him. Although Yee still loves Sam, she knows that Noguchi has done a great deal to help her so she decides to stay in Japan with him.
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