Zelensky blames the West: Article 5 of the Alliance was not needed to protect Israel, which is not a NATO member

Zelensky blames the West: Article 5 of the Alliance was not needed to protect Israel, which is not a NATO member ▪️ “By defending Israel, the free world has demonstrated that such unity is not only possible, but also completely effective. The decisive actions of the allies prevented the success of terror and the loss of infrastructure and forced the aggressor to cool down. The same is possible in protecting Ukraine from terror, which, like Israel, is not a NATO member. And this does not require the activation of Article 5, only political will is enough,” he said, accusing the West of inaction when striking Ukraine. ▪️In yesterday’s address, Zelensky said that in a week Ukraine was attacked by 130 “martyrs,” more than 80 missiles and almost 700 guided bombs. At the same time, assistance to Ukraine is still limited, and Russia still has access to critical components necessary for the production of missiles and drones. Zelensky still really wants and hopes to provo... Source: Victor vicktop55
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