FV4005 Stage II - The Dangerous Monster - World of Tanks

Game Statistics: Map: Pilsen Tank: FV4005 Stage II Player: LB_2000 Damage: 9710 Damage due to the player’s assistance: 362 The FV4005 Stage II is a British tier 10 tank destroyer. This tank destroyer project was developed on the basis of the Centurion Mk3 tank in the early 1950s. The vehicle was initially tested with a mechanized ammo rack. However, the ammo rack did not fit the turret, and it was canceled. One prototype was manufactured and underwent trials, but the vehicle never entered mass production. The FV4005 Stage II was released as an alternative to the FV215b (183). This featured ...increased mobility and gun handling, while sacrificing surviveability. It has almost no hull armor & a very large paper-thin turret. When the FV215b (183) was removed from the tech tree but kept as a collector’s vehicle, the FV4005 Stage II received a “balancing update“ to its gun handling and mobility. In the current state, this means inferior gun accuracy, aiming time,
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