Welcome to Sophie’s Enchanted Cottage!! Cozy up with your favorite blanket and a cup of tea!
You and your friend have made it inside the witch’s cottage, to search for the little dark cat that hastily ran away, yet neither you nor your friend can seem to find it anywhere. You both step inside careful not to make a sound on the creaking floor. You find the house eerie, though it’s somewhat comfortable and warm, unlike what you and your friend had initially expected. You are both chilled to the bone from the frigid autumn air. Since the witch and the little cat appear to be nowhere in sight, you both sit beside the witch’s crackling fireplace. There are odd-looking Jack’O lanterns and metallic pumpkins above the fireplace as well as some dimly lit, ebony candles. Bats made of raven-colored fabric are hanging from a little dead tree in the corner. It’s quite spooky and you both know you don’t have long before the witch may be arriving home. Now, where had that little mischievo
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Fabric 90 - Scuba (2016) Full Mix Album
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🎃PUMPKIN PATCH AMBIENCE: Autumn Night Sounds, Crunching Twigs, Burning Candles