This prayer was composed by Śrī Śaṅkarācārya and chanted by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Footage taken during the Ratha yatra at Govardhan in 20 June 2023. Jagannathastakam was sung by Sripad BV Muni Maharaji (@Kathamrta108). Turn on subtitles to see the verses while the video is playing so you can sing along. Below is the translation of the song.
(From the Gauḍīya Gīti-guccha published by Gaudiya Vedanta Publications)
Sometimes Śrī Jagannāthadeva makes supremely sweet, melodious music (with His flute) within the groves along the banks of the Yamunā. Like a bee thirsty for honey, He jubilantly relishes the lotus faces of the gopīs. His feet are offered worship by great personalities such as Lakṣmī, Śiva, Brahmā, Indra, and Gaṇeśa. May Jagannātha Svāmī kindly enter the pathway of my vision.
In His left hand He holds a flute, upon His head He wears the tail plumes of a peacock, and around His waist is fine silken cloth. From the corners of His eyes He bestows sidelong glances upon His companions. It is known that His pastimes perpetually take place within the land of Śrī Vṛndāvana. May Jagannātha Svāmī kindly enter the pathway of my vision.
On the shore of the great ocean, within His palace atop the brilliant golden crest of Nilācala, the blue mountain, He resides with His powerful brother, Baladevajī and Their sister, Subhadrā, who is situated between Them. He bestows upon all the demigods the opportunity to serve Him. May Jagannātha Svāmī kindly enter the pathway of my vision.
He is an ocean of mercy, and His bodily complexion is as beautiful as a bank of blackish rain clouds. He enjoys with Lakṣmī and Sarasvatī, and His face resembles a fully blossomed and spotless lotus. He is worshiped by the foremost of the demigods, and His transcendental glories are sung by the topmost scriptures. May Jagannātha Svāmī kindly enter the pathway of my vision.
As Jagannāthadeva travels along the road, mounted upon His chariot, He is met at every step by throngs of brāhmaṇas who sing His praises. Upon hearing them, He bestows mercy upon them. He is an ocean of mercy and the true friend of all the worlds. May Jagannātha Svāmī, accompanied by Lakṣmī-devī, the daughter of the ocean, kindly enter the pathway of my vision.
Śrī Jagannāthadeva is the crest-jewel of all manifestations of the Supreme Absolute Truth, and His eyes are like the petals of a fully blossomed blue lotus. He resides at Nīlācala, and He places His feet on the head of Anantaśeṣa-nāga. Being blissfully immersed in bhakti-rasa, He derives great happiness from embracing the rasa-laden body of Śrīmatī Rādhikā. May Jagannātha Svāmī kindly enter the pathway of my vision.
I do not pray for a kingdom, nor for gold, jewels, wealth, or for a delightful wife as desired by all men. My only prayer is that Śrī Jagannāthadeva, whose splendid glories are sung at every moment by Śiva (the lord of ghosts and demons), may kindly enter the pathway of my vision.
O Master of godly beings, quickly deliver me from this fleeting and meaningless worldly existence. O Lord of the Yadus, kindly purge me of my ocean of sins that has no shore. Aho! It is certain that You bestow Your lotus feet upon those who are lowly and devoid of any shelter. May Jagannātha Svāmī kindly enter the pathway of my vision.
One who carefully recites this sacred Jagannāthāṣṭakam, upon becoming sinless and pure-hearted, will attain entrance into Viṣṇuloka.
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