The ENTP personality, the debater, the curious critic, the optimistic entrepreneur is the personality type best at exploring controversial topics and arguing from either side - and finds it fun! I admire ENTP’s ability to explore seemingly contradicting information and pave the way for other, less bold, personality types. Of the 16 personalities, the ENTP is best at persuading a group to agree with its point, and does it in a charismatic way. And bonus: of all the mbti types, the ENTP is the one I’d choose to be if I had to switch types.
*excuse my weird winking face in the thumbnail 😂 I was trying to look like a charming entp 😩
Book a call by messaging on Instagram -alexismkingsley (personality verification, personality growth coaching, pick-my-brain session, or whatever else would suit your needs).
0:00 Intro
0:42 ENTP cognitive function brain regions
6:23 ENTP strength Ne
8:43 Why you’re too extroverted
11:43 ENTP growth point Ti
17:01 ENTP common weakness Fe
24:24 ENTP stretch point Si
32:28 ENTP’s unique gift to the world
○ Myers Briggs 101 -
○ What are cognitive functions? -
○ Are you an introvert or extrovert? -
Email: alexismkingsley@
Camera: Canon m50
Editing software: Final Cut Pro x
Mic: Rode Video Micro
#entp #16personalities #myersbriggs
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