A Superb realistic burbot imitation that can be fished trolling or casting! 3D Scanned details and incredible swimming action will fool even the most vary predator fish to go for the kill! The detailed pelvic side fins move with erratic motion, and the tail eels super enticing at the same time – just like a burbot swimming suspended midwater, even the small whisker under the chin, vibrates with micro movement as the lure glides thru the water. The inside harness is designed so the lure can either be rigged as a line thru, with an ABS line thru tube or with the fixed clip release rig, to ensure less lost fish and less damage to the lure, from the sharp teeth from the Pike and Musky during the fight. The Lure is balanced, so it swims, gliding forward and downwards with the perfect characteristic Burbot profile. From the “small” 25cm, to the perfect 36cm all-rounder and the giant 50cm this is your new magic tool to lure the giant Pike & Musky.
1 view
1 year ago 00:13:23 1
1 year ago 00:05:04 1
3 years ago 00:10:01 1
Savage Gear 3D Burbot in Action - Pike Fishing Waterwolf Underwater Footage
4 years ago 00:40:53 1
Хочешь поймать ЩУКУ? Спроси меня КАК! Рыбалка на Днепре с Павлом Лясоцким.
4 years ago 00:09:32 1
Ловля щуки на свимбейт.Часть Gear 3D Burbot ловит бонус!!!
5 years ago 00:04:11 8
3D Burbot shallow with Robbie Northman
5 years ago 00:01:17 1
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot 20 см 18 гр 1500 00 руб
5 years ago 00:01:43 3
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot 25 см 40,4 гр 2000 00 руб
5 years ago 00:00:44 6
ACTION “Burbot“ 3D Big Fish
5 years ago 00:03:10 21
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot длина 15 см и насадка намордник
6 years ago 00:02:01 1
3D Burbot & Switch Blade Minnow
6 years ago 00:08:40 2
Налим-твистер. Ловля щуки на свимбейт Savage Gear 3D Burbot
6 years ago 00:03:31 21
6 years ago 00:04:16 8
Сравнение SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot 20 см, 25cm и 50 cm
6 years ago 00:01:36 1
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot 50 см
6 years ago 00:02:58 5
6 years ago 00:01:03 1
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot 15см
6 years ago 00:02:09 51
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot 25cm, 36 cm, 50 cm как закрепить плавники
6 years ago 00:02:53 31
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot длина 25 см ,15 см и 10 см
6 years ago 00:01:24 1
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot-25 см-40,4 гр--2000-00 руб -и 15 см-9,12 гр-1000-00 руб-
6 years ago 00:01:46 20
Swimbait Savage Gear 3D Burbot. Short english version.
6 years ago 00:00:51 1
SAVAGE GEAR 3D Burbot-15 см
6 years ago 00:07:33 1
14,6 kg pike caught on the Savage Gear 3D Burbot
8 years ago 00:26:04 625
Новинки от Savage Gear для крупной щуки и не только! Охота и Рыболовство на Руси 2017