WELT-größte Öl – Globalisten: „EXXON MOBIL“ und „BP“ (NWO“ zerstören nachhaltig unser KLIMA und UMWELT

English title: WORLD-greatest Petrol–Globalists: EXXON MOBILE and BP (NWO) destroy enduringly CLIMATE ENVIRONMENT This video shows the drama, what the #GLOBALPLAYERarePLAYINGwithTHEIRslaves . The slaves are the people of mankind. The music in the background tries to express, what those satanic persons (who rule this world) are gonna do with ALL the SHEEPLES. The #ILLUMINATIcompaniesFINANCEpoliticiansOFtheGOVERNMENTS of the nations on this planet, expecially the FRiG. This is a MATRIX, which CONTROLS could you do against this finance desaster in your national economy? These companies are the suppressiona of the ALL the folks on this sad an melodramatic melody of the song should show you, what the persons in the video try to transmit and how criminal these companies worldwidely act. It is your disadvantage. Do you want that ? I hope you understand that with this video.... Scientists working for ExxonMobil had suspicions about the existence of climate change in the 1970s, and by the early 1980s they had conducted research projects, validated their theories and concluded that man-made climate change was real and would raise global temperatures by between two to three degrees. Evidence suggests that ExxonMobil continued to fund the work of climate sceptics as late as 2009, and possibly beyond, which is after the date that the Rome Statute entered into force. Rather than alert the world to these facts, Exxon Mobil used this knowledge to increase their profits, whilst also setting up and funding various organisations to deny the existence of climate change. Exxon Mobil’s policy of aggressive climate change denial has caused irreversible damage to the environment. As the mandate of the International Criminal Court is to try individuals rather than corporations, we ask the ICC to charge all individuals at ExxonMobil who conspired to cover up the existence of climate change with crimes against humanity. We believe that ExxonMobil’s actions constitute an inhumane act which has intentionally caused great suffering. We want the ICC to take this action both in order to hold ExxonMobil to account for their actions, and to prevent other corporations from taking similar actions in the future. It needs to be established that large scale destruction or pollution of the environment, whether intentional or through negligence, will constitute a crime against humanity, and that individuals responsible for such crimes will be pursued by the ICC. Exxon Mobil is known primarily for its vast size and immense profitability (its annual net income has at times exceeded $40 billion), but it is also still associated in the public mind with the giant oil spill caused by one of its tankers off the coast of Alaska more than two decades ago. The 1999 acquisition of Mobil by Exxon brought together two of the former portions of John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust that each had racked up #GlobalPlayer #ILLUMINATI2019 #ExxonMobile
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