SIGMAR LIED (about the economy) | a Warhammer Age of Sigmar story

All is not well in the Realms, as the Stormcast Eternals, Angels of the God-King Sigmar, find out that that ol’ Siggy is paying them less than he should be. Also that they get paid at all. Weird! Economic conditions being what they are, Sigmar and his Celestant Prime must devise a solution before we have an End Times situation on our hands, because nobody liked the last one. Thank you to Carole Carolemeyer of the Carole Clan for voicing the female Stormcast! (everybody say thank you to Carole Carolemeyer of the Carole Clan) Sigmar model by Needforspeedwagon Thumbnail art by Harry Yang #a...geofsigmar #stormcasteternals #newaos
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