💰Try your luck for free:
0:00 - intro
0:42 - is a decent site.
1:09 - what is a jumpbug?
1:37 - how to manual jumpbug
2:04 - config tutorial
3:10 - jumpbug bind tutorial
4:22 - drop jumpbug tutorial
6:31 - how to make jb routes (double jb tutorial)
7:22 - useless guy talks (i do hard the commends)
//jump and crouch desubtick
alias jump_ “ jump; jump“
alias -jump_ “-jump;-jump;-jump“
alias duck_ “ duck; duck“
alias -duck_ “-duck;-duck;-duck“
//the epic new binds
bind “w“ “ w“
bind “a“ “ left“
bind “s“ “ back“
bind “d“ “ right“
//bind “space“ “; jump;-jump“
bind “space“ “ lj“
bind “mwheeldown“ “ jump_“
bind “mwheelup“ “ mj“
alias _checkw “-forward; alias checkw“