Unused / unissued material - Colour material.
Location - possibly the Lake District.
MS cars and coach drive past camera position in countryside. LS Campsite group of four tents, MS camper coming from tent with a teapot then walks towards two people seated at table. CU camper pours tea. CU group drinking. CU man speaking. VS group of hikers with packs walking over field. CU man speaking. VS of climbers scaling a cliff face. CU of pheasant. VS a group of bird watchers climb up into elevated wooden hide. VS of them bird watching. CU different man talking to camera. VS of a pleasure boat with people on board cruising along lake. VS of men talking to camera. VS people in National Park seated on grass, walking eating ice cream, feeding swans. Big GV National Park - lots of pine trees. VS of man with horse pulling a log. One shot of a deer in forest. GV of valley. More shots of man with horse. VS of ducks on water. More country GVs. CU of woman being interviewed. VS of people walking from farm along track.
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