秋季的第一顿养颜大餐,香糯入味嗦不停The First Beautifying Feast in Autumn, Creamy and Flavorful Non-Stop

Chicken feet is a magical ingredient. You can braise it, stew it or roast it and It tastes great either way. Chicken feet in casserole are soft and creamy, and the bone fall right off at the touch of your tongue. There is gravy even in between the bones, and tasting it is always a mouthful of happiness. Let’s do it with Taitai! Stewed chicken feet are soft and flavorful, and you can easily debone it with your lips and tongue. It goes with rice, wine and a good tv show. You can totally finish it in one meal, nothing gets better than that. 鸡爪是个神奇的食材,卤、焖、炖、烤都超好吃,鸡爪做成煲,酥软绵糯,轻轻一扯就脱骨,骨头缝里都有汤汁,吸上一口幸福满满,赶紧跟着台台做起来!鸡爪经过焖炖,软糯入味,轻轻一抿就脱骨,煲剧、下饭、配酒都很赞,小小一锅一顿刚好能吃完,绝了!
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