PALESTINE: Search for kidnapped British civilian (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Reconstruction of the kidnapping of Major . Collins, one of two civilians captured by Zionist? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Palestine search for kidnap victims PALESTINE: Jerusalem House where Major Collins (Mr . Collins, British banker believed to have been captured by Irgun terrorist group) was held. Re-enactment of kidnapping by Bella Ferguson (Colleague of Collins’ who was held at gunpoint while Collins was abducted). NIGHT Flares lit up in night sky as British military police search for Collins. British troops cordoning off streets with rolls of barbed wire. Soldiers stopping and searching suspects as crowd of people wait at roadblock and carrying out door-to-door searches during comb-out. Background: Reconstruction of the kidnapping of Major . Collins, one of two civilians captured by Zionist terror g
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