This is a fun fly to tie that is great for finicky carp. It imitates a damsel nymph and has great movement due to the articulated tail. Plenty of foam and soft hackle make it enter the water softly and wiggle enticingly on the bottom. I will include links to some of the materials that you can’t buy in fly shops. If you would rather buy this fly, you can find it on my website:
Hook: Fulling Mills Bonio Carp Hook size 8
Loop Tool: Svend Diesel showed me this tool, you can find him on Instagram @svenddiesel
Beading Wire:
Soft Hackle:
2mm Black Foam Sheet
Black Ostrich Feather
Rabbit Zonker
4.0 mm Beadchain Eyes
140 denier Veevus PowerThread
Lightness by Nomyn
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