Vanilla Ashenvale - Night Ambience ASMR (1 hour, 4K, World of Warcraft Classic)
From the magic forests of Ashenvale, I present you 1 hour of night ambience (sound & images captured in-game: magic forest, corrupted forest / place).
Ashenvale is an ancient forest, and has been in the caring hands of the Night Elves for thousands of years. It was not until more recent years that things changed, with the coming of the Horde’s lumber harvesting camps, as well as other much more insidious groups. The demons of the Burning Legion have holdings in Fire Scar Shrine, Felfire Hill, Demon Fall Canyon and Demon Fall Ridge. The vile satyr inhabit ancient elven ruins at Xavian, Night Run, and Satyrnaar. The vicious worgen have taken over an ancient shrine near Felwood, cursed green dragonkin have slipped out from the Emerald Dream portal at Bough Shadow, and corruption taints the once-clear waters of Iris Lake and the Ruins of Stardust. The Horde have seized control of several holdings in the eastern parts of the forest, and beyond their base at Splintertree Post, they have harvested the trees for lumber at the Warsong Lumber Camp and the Warsong Labor Camp. The Horde clash with the Night Elves over control of Eastern Ashenvale, with the Warsong Outriders vowing to continue their lumber harvesting operations, and the Silverwing Sentinels vowing to drive the Outriders from their lands once and for all.
Vanilla Ashenvale Music & Ambience:
Vanilla Ashenvale Day Ambience:
Vanilla Ashenvale Night Ambience:
All my Vanilla music & ambience videos (50 ):
Main areas from WoW Classic Ashenvale (together with the ambience night sound captured in-game: magic forest, corrupted forest):
00:00 Astranaar (exit)
02:26 The Ruins of Stardust
06:58 Iris Lake
08:53 Thistlefur Village
11:35 Path to Shael’dryn / Shael’dryn
16:54 Ashenvale Forests walk to Raynewood Retreat
20:30 Raynewood Retreat
23:11 Greenpaw Village
25:49 Silverwind Refuge
28:58 Mystral Lake
32:21 The Talondeep Path
34:54 Silverwing Outpost & Silverwing Grove
38:18 Falfarren River
40:57 Forest Song
44:22 Satyrnaar
46:25 Xavian
48:23 Splintertree Post
54:14 The Dor’Danil Barrow
56:13 Warsong Labor Camp
58:52 Ashenvale exit to The Barrens
59:00 Outro: Don’t click!!
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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