Churchill In Paris (1951)

Paris, France Gare du Nord: pulling into station. LS. & MS. Churchill alighting from train. LS. Eden alighting from train. LS. Eden alighting from train. CU. Churchill with cigar in mouth. LS. Churchill surrounded by photographers. LS. Churchill walking from station. MS. Churchill posing for photographers. LS. Churchill acknowledging guard of honour. MS. Churchill with French ministers. CU. Republican Guards. LS. Churchill walking to car. MS. Churchill driving out of station. LS. Car driving out of station. Elysees Palace: LS. G.V. President’s Palace. LS. Churchill’s car arriving. MS. Photographers. LS. Churchill and Eden entering the palace. MS. Churchill entering the palace. LS. Photographers crowding around the entrance. MS. Prime minister Pleven arriving. MS. Schuman arriving. & CU. MS. Unknown personality arriving. Hotel Matignon: MS. Churchill and Pleven entering room. CU. Churchill and Pleven shaking hands. LS. Eden, Pleven, Churchill and Schuman entering room together. LS. Eden, Pleven,
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