Manitoba’s SECRET COVID-19 camp: what’s going on here?

►Help us keep reporting on stories like this: Keean Bexte reports from outside a COVID-19 camp near Portage la Prarie, Manitoba, one of the sites that according to Justin Trudeau and the CBC is a story not worth covering. FULL REPORT from Keean Bexte: Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content. Unlike almost all of our mainstream media competitors, Rebel News doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on our generous audience to help keep us reporting. Please consider supporting Rebel News by making a donation, purchasing a RebelNews subscription, shopping in our online store, or any of the other methods below: ►Support our independent journalism - ► Donate in cryptocurrency - ►Make a donation through PayPal - ►Rebel News Plus - Become a Premium Content subscriber - ►BUY Rebel News g
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