DEEMO Switch version is fun!

Wow~~~ so is it actually possible to play DEEMO with piano keys? Not yet, not yet! This video is a tech demo. If there are plans related to this, we will be announcing them separately on the Facebook page~ DEEMO Switch Ver. 1.2 will be updating soon; there will be a demo version as well. Please look forward to it! -- 哇~~~用琴鍵玩DEEMO可能實現嗎? 別急別急!本影片是技術測試展示影片,若有相關計畫將另外公布喲~ DEEMO Switch ver 1.2即將更新,同時也會有體驗版呦,大家敬請期待! -- 와~~~피아노로 DEEMO를 플레이!? 우선 주목~~!! 본 영상은 기술 테스트 시연 영상입니다. 만약 이와 관련된 새로운 프로젝트를 진행하게 될 시, 따로
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