Bishop Enthroned (1960)

Item title reads - Bishop enthroned. William Launcelot Scott Fleming becomes Bishop of Norwich. Special for Norwich only. Norfolk. Various shots of Norwich’s Anglican cathedral. Various shots of mayors and town clerks from King’s Lynn, Great Yarmouth, Thetford and Lowestoft in procession. M/S Cannon Erica Saliti, Bishop Designate of the Diocese of Uganda. Various shots as they all enter the cathedral. M/S of Princess Margaret stepping out of the car to be greeted by the Dean of Norwich. Various shots of crowds watching. Various shots as Princess Margaret and the Dean enter the cathedral and walk down the nave towards the altar. M/S of Bishop Fleming walking towards the cathedral door which is closed, he knocks three times with his Staff. L/S interior as the doors are opened wide and he enters with his attendants. Various shots as he makes his way down to the altar. M/S of some of the congregation. Various shots as he moves towards the throne. M/S two elderly men looking down from balcony. M/S
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