Convex Earth - The Documentary - The Flat Earth Scientific Proof
Terra convexa is an independent research of Dákila Researches and Centro Tecnológico Zigurats originally published in and
After seven years of research on earth format, scientific experiments carried out by Brazilian researchers at Dakila Research and the Zigurats Technological Center in partnership with professionals from various areas of Brazil and other countries, such as the United States, Russia, Chile, the Netherlands, Spain , have shown that the Earth is not spherical. The evidence is being presented in the feature film Terra Convexa: The Documentary, available in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish and published on the websites and Seven scientific experiments were carried out, including the geodesic, which consisted in measuring the distances between the bases and tops of a building in Torres (RS) and another in Natal (RN), with a distance of 3,050 km between them. reference to sea level. “The measurements were the same. If the Earth were spherical, the measure of the distance between the bases should be smaller than the measurement between the upper parts of the buildings because they would be following the curvature of the Earth, “explains Urandir de Oliveira, founder of Dakila Research. Engineers from the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) participated in the action. A long-range laser was used to measure the flatness and leveling of the waters at the Três Marias Dam (MG); in Lagoa dos Patos (RS), on Lake Titicaca, Peru; and in the seas of Ilhabela (SP) and in the Strait of Gibraltar. The tests performed up to 35 km did not identify any curvature. Experiments with refracting and reflecting telescopes have proved that boats do not disappear on the horizon, but we lost the ability to observe them due to an optical phenomenon. This phenomenon was studied by the researchers, who formulated a new physical theory, which explains physically and mathematically how this works. Experiments with plumbing (verticalization) and level (horizontalization) have proved that gravity does not exist, because the physical behavior of water is to seek its original form, that is, flatness. According to Urandir, what holds us firm to the ground is the MDPL (magnetism, density, pressure and light). Through images obtained through several atmospheric probes launched by the researchers, as well as of incursions made, including in Antarctica, with the collaboration of the Armed Forces of Brazil, as well as other analyzes of materials found in glaciers of Siberia and the shores of the Arctic Glacial Ocean , such as pollen, dust and other fragments, a new continent, known as the “Greater North“, was discovered, separated by a large mass of ice. The trajectory of the stars, including the Sun and the Moon, is totally different from what science says. The new information enabled the correct positioning of the continents. The complete research information, with regard to equipments, coordinates, images, all techniques, research content, technical reports, scientific papers, mathematical calculations and proposed theories will be available soon on the websites .br and A book with the complete compilation of the research will be released soon.
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