Pentax Flash Battery Door Fix

This is an old tip on how to keep those flimsy battery doors shut on the older Pentax AF-360FGZ and Pentax AF-540FGZ flashes. I really like using the older AF-360FGZ and AF-540FGZ for affordable access to PTTL, high speed sync, and bounce (and swivel in the 540FGZ). However, the battery doors are the bane of these flashes’ existence and it seems like every copy I’ve owned had a flimsy door. I’ve seen some tutorials on how to drill a screw into the door to hold it shut however zip ties are easier and non-destructive. Let me know what you think! Send us stuff! Stephen Foster PO Box 99900 WU 227 122 RPO Meadowbrook Edmonton AB T6T 0W4
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