Nastassja Kinski in Roman Polanski’s TESS - On Demand NOW in the Nordics - HD TRAILER

Watch TESS On Demand NOW in the Nordics. TESS won 3 Oscars and was the breakthrough role for Nastassja Kinski. Movie history has brought audience several controversial films about forbidden love! Rialto Film Entertainment presents undying classics by great directors that taps into today’s #metoo context. The movies were controversial, when they were released but they also push today’s view on love between the older man and the younger girl to a new and provocative stage! In Roman Polanski’s take on “Tess of the D’Urbervilles“, impressionable young Tess (Nastassja Kinski) is sent by her alcoholic father to visit her rich relatives and apply for a job. She’s taken in and immediately seduced by her cousin, Alec (Leigh Lawson), who leaves her pregnant. She keeps it to herself and, after the child dies, begins a relationship with a respectable farmer, Angel (Peter Firth). They marry, but when Angel learns of her speckled past, he’s not sure he can live with it. ON DEMAND Now in your Nordic digital home on Viaplay, , Altibox, SF Anytime: Blockbuster: Grand Hjemmebio: Other Classics include Milos Forman’s VALMONT, Jean-Jacques Annaud’s THE LOVER, Adrian Lyne’s LOLITA.
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