’NIGHTCALL’ (ft. The ’Gos’)

Happy (nearly) Springtime Folks! So a little behind the scenes info... I’m using my ’creepy face puppet’ that I built about 4 months ago. The key concept of this puppet is that my mouth is projected in real-time on the puppets face using a tiny camera and screen. A UV light is also used so that the puppet glows, although here I decided to colour shift the result and may well do the same for future videos using this puppet, just to add some interesting variation. The track was arranged and played back on the ’OP-Z’ by Teenage Engineering, however the vocals and vocoder elements are performed live. You may notice that the puppet is in a similar part of the screen whenever the vocoder is heard, shifting his weight slightly between phrases. This is because I’m using my thumb to play the chords :D I like the concept of doing ’live’ unedited performances like this, as it could lend itself nicely to some real (in person) live performances, or even live streaming
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