Sunday Satsang - Bhajans by Cittahari Prabhu @ ISKCON Salem 18/02/2024
#iskcon #krishna #harekrishna #vrindavan #radhakrishna #lordkrishna #iskcontemple #radheradhe #haribol #krishnaconsciousness #bhagavadgita #radha #radhekrishna #radharani #bhakti #prabhupada #srilaprabhupada #love #hindu #india #jaishreekrishna #god #barsana #spiritual #radhe #krsna #mathura #krishnalove #kanha #iskconvrindavan
Krishna and His name, both are similar. It is because Lord Krishna has put all his divine powers in His name. Chanting the holy name of Lord Krishna collectively means coming together and spreading the message of togetherness.
Lord Chaitanya stressed that the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama ,Rama Rama Hare Hare, is the easiest means of self-realization. Mantras were only chanted softly until Lord Chaitanya started Harinam Sankirtan, the loud public and congregational chanting of the maha-mantra accompanied by musical instruments. He also taught the devotees to gracefully dance to the chanting. Once, one is caught up in the dancing and chanting, he becomes completely absorbed in the sound vibrations of the mantra. The mantra then enters his consciousness, purifies his heart and awakens his dormant love for Krishna. This style of chanting Krishna’s holy names also allows others, such as passers-by, animals and plants to benefit from the auspicious effects of the mantra.
Srila Prabhupada brought Harinam Sankirtan to the streets of cities, towns and villages around the world.
Through Harinam Sankirtan, all the devotees get the chance to connect with each other. This particular association gives lots of joy and happiness to Lord Krishna.
It is believed that when we chant the divine name of Lord Krishna, it destroys all the sinful thoughts. When people chant the name in the group, it is not just beneficial for them, but also benefit those who are moving around.
All the respected Acharyas from different Sampradaya have already given the greatest importance to this particular activity. You can also bring peace and joy in your life by chanting the holy name of Lord Krishna by joining this special Harinam Sankirtan at ISKCON Salem
While chanting, one generally keeps the sacred japa beads in a bead bag to keep them clean and off the floor. One side of the bag is large enough to insert your hand. Your index finger coming out the smaller hole on the other side helps you hold on to the bag. Place your beads in the bag, and you’re ready to go.

Before we start to chant the Hare Krishna Mantra 108 times on the beads we should chant the Pancha Tattva mantra once before each round. This is a prayer to Lord Chaitanya and his associaties to help avoid offenses whilst chanting. Also In order to derive the full benefit of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, we must first take shelter of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, learn the Pancha-tattva mantra, and then chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. That will be very effective. The Pancha-tattva mantra is:
(Jaya) shri-krishna-caitanya
prabhu nityananda
shri-advaita gadadhara
The above Mantra means: I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, along with His associates, Lord Nityananda, Shri Advaita Acharya, Gadadhara, Shrivasa and all the devotees of the Lord
Now to chant the Hare Krishna Mantra, the japa mala is traditionally held in the right hand. The index finger never touches the mala. Beginning with the bead next to the head bead, gently roll the bead between the thumb and middle finger of your right hand while chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
The above Mantra means: “Oh Lord Krishna, Oh energy of the Lord, please engage me in Your devotional service.” This is a simple call to the Lord and His energies. It should be chanted exactly like a small child crying for it’s mother. The transcendental sound vibration of this mantra is the essence of all the Vedas and non-different from Lord Krishna personally.
Then move to the next bead and repeat the mantra.
In this way continue chanting on each of the 108 beads in the strand. This is known as one round of japa and takes between five and ten minutes for most people.
If you are going to chant more than one round of japa, then without chanting on the head bead (Krishna Bead) – reverse the direction of your chanting to begin the second round.
If you have a string of counter beads tied to your bead bag, keep track of the number of rounds you have chanted by moving one counter bead for each round you chant. One round equals to 108 beads.
Chant clearly and try to hear the holy names with attention. Some chanters find that looking at the mantra or a picture of Krishna helps them concentrate. If that works for you, that’s fine. But remember that the goal is attentive hearing.
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