crystalignis ╺╸ antropine

As we venture into the vast expanse of space, we are confronted by the infinite mysteries that lie beyond our comprehension. We contemplate the search for God, and the paradoxical nature of a universe that arises from nothingness, that exists in something that does not exist. The world fractal tree becomes a symbol of the unity of all things in the cosmos, a reflection of God’s own creative power. Its constant growth and self-similarity remind us of the universe’s entropic nature - a blazing flame of being that arises from the void of non-existence. In this cosmic landscape, we are struck by the profound loneliness of God, who exists as a solitary being amidst the infinite expanse of space. Yet, paradoxically, we also feel a sense of unity with God, as we contemplate the world fractal’s manifestation of the universe from itself. As we reflect on these cosmic themes, we are invited to contemplate the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our everyday experience, and the awe-in
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