Imma firin mah DEATH STAR!

Shoop da whoop! I herd U leik Mudkips? IT’S A TARP! Imma firin mah lazer! (If you do not know about these memes, try searching around ;) I did not rip this from anywhere (except for the original movie, plz don’t sue me oh, holy Lucas!) The Mudkip and Star Wars clip was copied from a strange and magically legal place. I then edited the footage from the film into the pieces that I wanted in After Effects and placed the voice clip where I wanted it. I imported the mudkip clip, and used masks to cut out the head. I then animated the layer, loosly following Ackbar’s head. I wrote a dopesheet from the audio clip, to make the lip-sync easier. Exported a still frame from both the scenes of the death star, then used these in flash to place the animation, done frame by frame over a green background that I keyed out in After Effects. Added a little movement to make the face follow the motion of the death star. Also added a little
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