Candy-Terry - Расставание/Parting

Мой второй клип про Кенди и Терри (перевод Himawari) Pain, pain, you whispered, pain, My love. If only I could hear that again But to get you back Is now possible Only in dreams. Please, please become a dream, a peaceful one. And my wish to Fate Is only one - Let it guide you Every new day, My love. Quietly the night has lost Its mission From the sky the sunrise’s stolen the last star. Our parting has engaged us and has doomed But I will find you. I will come to you. Mine, but I have to say not anymore, And behind you I’ve closed the door. May your kiss still burn My lips. Please, please become a dream, a peaceful one. And my wish to Fate Is only one - May it guide you Every new day, My love. Quietly the night has lost Its mission From the sky the sunrise’s stolen the last star. Our parting has engaged us and has doomed But I will find you. I will come to you. Our parting has engaged us and has doomed But I will find you. I will come to you.
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