Quick overview about the key difference between the old and new style of the Petzl Tibloc mini ascender. The new one has a spring-loaded hood that helps a lot with providing proper tension onto the rope. Also, learn how to move the Tibloc down the rope. (It’s easy once you know how, but it’s not immediately obvious for most people.)
7 months ago 00:02:13 1
Подъем на зажиме Тиблок. Petzl Tbloc.
3 years ago 00:01:14 13
Petzl Tibloc: Ver 2 and ver 1 compared
4 years ago 00:33:12 1
Несекретные секреты. Гость программы Жандров Алексей, член команды промышленных альпинистов GC
4 years ago 00:03:41 6
Зажим для верёвки Petzl Tibloc. Обзор Сергея Савельева
5 years ago 00:02:24 20
Bloqueador Tibloc de Petzl
5 years ago 00:05:02 84
Petzl TIBLOC (New and Old). Самый компактный зажим