Top 50+ AWS Services Explained in 10 Minutes
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s largest and most complex cloud with over 200 unique services. Learn about the top 50 cloud products in just ten minutes.
#aws #cloud #top50
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AWS Products
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📚 Chapters
00:00 AWS Origin
00:34 RoboMaker
00:40 IoT Core
00:46 Ground Station
00:53 Quantum Computing
01:00 EC2
01:26 Load Balancer
01:39 Cloud Watch
01:47 Auto Scale
01:56 Beanstalk
02:21 Lightsail
02:40 Lambda
03:07 Serverless Repos
03:16 Outposts
03:25 Snow
03:39 ECR
03:56 ECS
04:09 EKS
04:15 Fargate
04:27 App Runner
04:41 S3
04:59 Glacier
05:06 Block Storage
05:19 EFS
05:32 SimpleDB
05:48 DynamoDB
05:59 DocumentDB
06:13 ElasticSearch
06:21 RDS
06:36 Aurora ...
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