Anti-Belgium Demonstrations Over Congo Crisis (1961)

Unissued / unused material. American newsreel item. Anti-Belgium demonstrations over Congo crisis - United States of America (USA), London and Congo. Various shot of demonstrations against the slaying of Patrice Lumumba (deposed Prime Minister of Congo and head of “left-leaning“ Congolese National Movement) in Chicago. Various shots of anti-Belgian demonstration in London. Various shots of anti-Belgian demonstration at Belgian Embassy in Moscow. Various shots of Lumumba. MS Congolese President Joseph Kadavubu speaking, with King Baudouin of Belgium sitting behind him. MS Lumumba with his successor Antoine Gizenga at the United Nations in New York. MS & CU President Tshombe of Katanga Province. Various shots of Lumumba when captured in Katanga - his hands are tied, soldiers treat him roughly. Pan down the UN building in New York, to an anti-Belgian demonstration outside. MS Secretary General of UN Security Council Dag Hammarskjold taking his place in the Security Council. MS Adlai St
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