KU Quick Tips - Straight Punch Tegumi

This KU Quick Tip focuses on Straight Punch Tegumi, a drill to train checking and trapping your opponent’s linear strikes in a repetitive, back and forth practice. Many similar exercises exist, with different methodologies designed to achieve specific outcomes. This exercise addresses receiving a straight punch as a Habitual Act of Physical Violence (HAPV), but could in reality be used to intercept a shove, grab, or any linear strike. This is a brief summary of some of what we hope to achieve with the drill in Koryu Uchinadi. Cody Stewart is a martial arts instructor of Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu under Hanshi Patrick McCarthy. KU is a style of karate that utilizes impacting, clinch, throws, chokes, joint locks, and groundwork within a traditional Japanese budo framework. Emphasis is on civil self defense against habitual acts of physical violence (HAPV) and how all of the defensive themes are embodied in kata movements.
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