Vanilla Tirisfal Glades - Music & Ambience (1 hour, 4K, World of Warcraft Classic)
Dear viewer, I present you 1 hour of music and ambience video from World of Warcraft Vanilla Tirisfal Glades, part of the starting area of the undead race. You will be able to find see and listen the pre-Cataclysm atmosphere together with the original Tirisfal Glades music which includes the tracks from the Undead Tavern in Brill (Gallows’ End) and Evil Forest Day & Night by Jason Hayes.
On the northern coast of Lordaeron lies the eerie Tirisfal Glades. The unofficial kingdom to the Forsaken, servants of the Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner, the wooded hills are seeped through with the curse of the Lich King’s plague. The sky over Tirisfal is eternally gloomy and tinted a blighted green, and the trees and other flora desperately cling to their last shreds of life.
Although tainted and melancholy, Tirisfal still very much has its own unique, haunting beauty, particularly in such areas as the stony North Coast, the village of Brill, and the deep atmosphere of the ruined Agamand Mills.
Tirisfal Glades is home not only to the Forsaken, but to their enemies as well. The Scarlet Crusade has several outposts here, including the seat of their religious faith, the Scarlet Monastery. The minions of the Scourge are also ever present, tainting the derelict farmsteads and dilapidated mills with their foul presence.
Silverpine Forest (World of Warcraft Vanilla) Music & Ambience video here:
Main areas from WoW Vanilla Tirisfal Glades:
00:11 Brill
05:00 Garren’s Haunt
07:30 Gunther’s Retreat & Brightwater Lake
10:00 The North Coast
12:30 Scarlet Watch Post
15:00 Whispering Gardens & Scarlet Monastery
20:00 Faol’s Rest & Venomweb Vale
25:00 Crusader Outpost & Balnir Farmstead
30:00 The Bulwark
32:30 Ruins of Lordaeron & Zeppelin
35:00 Cold Hearth Manor & Nightmare Vale
40:00 Deathknell & Night Web’s Hollow
47:30 Solliden Farmstead
50:00 Agamand Mills
56:16 Agamand Family Crypt
59:00 Outro (don’t click!)
Original music from World of Warcraft Tirisfal Vanilla (always marked on the video, please keep in mind that these are not the original names, rather some names I have picked which are easy to understand):
00:11 Haunted 1 (aka Ghosts) by Jason Hayes
01:15 Haunted 2 by Jason Hayes
03:45 Undead Tavern (Forsaken) aka Tavern Horde 3 by Derek Duke
05:00 Evil Forest Day 1 by Jason Hayes
06:13 Evil Forest Day 2 by Jason Hayes
07:29 Evil Forest Day 3 by Jason Hayes
08:42 Evil Forest Night 1 by Jason Hayes
09:43 Evil Forest Night 2 by Jason Hayes
11:01 Evil Forest Night 3 by Jason Hayes
12:36 Cursed Land 1 by Derek Duke
13:34 Cursed Land 2 by Derek Duke
14:37 Cursed Land 3 by Derek Duke
15:50 Cursed Land 4 by Derek Duke
17:14 Cursed Land 5 by Derek Duke
18:40 Cursed Land 6 by Derek Duke
32:30 Zone Undercity 1 by Derek Duke
33:40 Zone Undercity 2 by Derek Duke
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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