BAND-MAID Documentary / KANAMI「日本語字幕」

Previous Documentary about SAIKI : After Saiki, let’s talk about her biggest fan : Kanami. This time, we will take you into a new journey with our favorite lead guitarist from her early days until today. Kasper will take you to a journey into the life of Kanami and how she became this incredible guitarist / songwriter and how she joined BAND-MAID. You will also have a part dedicated to her play style with our special guests : the GAIJIN GUYS! ※ Credits Voiceover by Kasper Michaels Script by Kasper Michaels & @Ohrenje Video production by @Ohrenje Breakin’ New Gate Production logo by santivill With the participation of the @GAIJIN GUYS! @Wave Potter @The Champ Of Medium @Dicodec @Ryan Mear Japanese subtitles by nairOn Russian subtitles by exDemonius Spanish subtitles by Carpe_Noctem Portuguese subtitles by nan German subtitles by frunck and Domretto ※ BAND-MAID Communi
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